New Phone System Now Operational
Ashington Town Council have just had a new phone system installed.
After several months of telephone problems, we are pleased to announce that the new system is up and running.
If your call relates to Housing, the Registrar, Roads and Pavements, Revenue & Benefits, Household Waste Collections, or Council Tax, you can now press 1 and you will be redirected to Northumberland County Council.
To speak to a member of the Ashington Town Council team, you can press 2.
Town Council: 01670 624521
Sarah Eden, Executive Officer - 01670 338775
Gary Holmes, Administration Assistant - 01670 620385
Stephen Humphrey, Assets & Facilities Manager - 01670 620533
Sharon Parmley, Communication & Engagement Officer - 01670 624520
We apologise for any inconvenience this problem may have caused and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Remember you can always contact us via Ashington Town Council Website here. Ashington Town Council - Search