Ashington's Great Big Green Week Event

Ashington's Great Big Green Week Event

Ashington Town Council is taking part in The Great Big Green Week. We have invited other organisations to join us and we would love to hear how you, or a group you are part are getting involved.

For the next generation to have the future we want and they deserve, we have a duty to tackle the climate crisis and protect nature today. When we work together we can create meaningful change. Ashington Town Council set up a Climate Change and Environment Committee and we are working through an Action Plan. We have a dedicated Climate Change webpage where we share all things environmental from ourselves and others.

This June, people across the country will come together to take positive action with their communities; hosting events and activities to inspire others to step up for climate, nature and people, and call on decision makers to create a safer, greener future.

We will be hosting an event on Tuesday 13th June when we will take a pitch at the Ashington Market on Station Road. We will be joined by representatives from the NCC Climate Change TeamNCC Waste Management Team, Groundwork NE & CumbriaWansbeck Climate Action and Northumberland Wildlife Trust. also  Asdas Community Engagement Officer with advice on how to dispose of batteries responsibly. 

Please come along between 10am and 3pm and talk to representatives about Climate Change. You will be able to find out what the organisations are doing to move towards a greener future, as well as what you can do.

There will also be advice and tips on saving energy, reducing bills, and a free raffle.

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