Thousands of Bulbs Planted Around Ashington to Brighten Community in Spring
The planting has focused on key areas such as entrances and on busy roadways around the town. The bulbs promise to provide a warm welcome and hopefully an uplifting ambiance for residents and visitors alike.
Planting has taken place along the A197 from Pegswood, on the grass verges on Station Road and Woodhorn Road and close to the entrances to Wansbeck General Hospital and North Seaton Industrial Estate and at the towns entrance features. The varieties planted include crocuses, narcissi’s and tulips and were chosen to provide waves of vibrant spring colours.
Cllr Mark Purvis, Business Chair, comments; “The aim of the project is to add some extra spring colour that will hopefully bring joy and encourage civic pride in Ashington. The bulbs are nestled underground but come spring time they will provide a splash of colour across the town”.
When you notice the bright blooms be sure to appreciate the simple act of adding flowers can lift spirits.