NCEA Schools Take Part in the Ashington to the Future Project

NCEA Schools Take Part in the Ashington to the Future Project

Funded by the Platten Trust, children across three NCEA Trust Schools in Ashington (Bishops Primary School, Thomas Bewick C of E Primary School and NCEA James Knott C of E Primary School) are engaging in a STEM and history project called 'Ashington to the Future.'

Up first, the Year 5 children from Bishop's Primary School.

They have been learning about the past of their town so that they can design its future!

Staff from The Northumberland Archives have been out to the school, where the children learnt about archives and what they do at the Archives. The children did particularly well at deciphering their oldest document, which is from 1156 and in Latin. They also did a virtual heritage walk where they visited historic sites around Ashington without having to leave the classroom!

This is a 5 week project which has been designed to engage the children in 'imagineering', a range of activities to encourage them to look closely at how the past shaped the town in which they live and how they can use that information to shape the future.

In addition to visiting the archives, they played the Ashington to the Future board game and talked to members of the Ashington Veterans and Elders Institute. All of the children had oral history training so that they could interview the Veterans and Elders about their lived experiences of Ashington.

The children also had to think about the future of Ashington. They were given a series of "What if..." scenarios (such as what if Ashington was underground/underwater/populated by animals). Children identified problems with their scenario and found solutions to improve their imaginary future town.

In the coming weeks the children will visit The Farrel Centre at Newcastle University and the Architects and Engineers at Northumbria University. They will be taught how to use TinkerCAD and will design buildings for their Ashington of the future. When they will use a 3D printer to make models of those designs for a community exhibition.

This project has been made possible by funding from the Platten Family Trust through Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland

Mrs Marriott, Headteacher at Bishop's Primary School said ' This is a tremendous opportunity to engage children in thinking about their community, their town and how it has been shaped by a rich history and deserves an exciting future. The many opportunities, skills and activities that this project affords the children certainly brings their learning to life. They will never forget this and I'm sure we are creating future city planners, engineers and architects!. We are extremely grateful to all parties involved in the development, funding and delivery of the project'.

Mr Dinsley, Deputy Headteacher at Thomas Bewick C of E Primary School said "We are very lucky and privileged to be able to provide our children with such an exciting opportunity and can't wait to see the project's outcomes. We are hoping to be involved in a showcase of the children's work following the conclusion of the project."

In the following weeks the Year 5 children at Thomas Bewick and James Knott will be starting the project. 



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