QTS Announces Community Drop-in Events for Proposed Cambois Data Centre Campus

QTS Announces Community Drop-in Events for Proposed Cambois Data Centre Campus

QTS, a leading provider of data centre solutions, is inviting local residents to attend community drop-in events to learn more about their proposed data centre campus development in Cambois, near Blyth. The company is seeking to redevelop land at the former Power Station Site into a state-of-the-art data centre facility.

The community drop-in events will be held from 4pm to 7pm on the following dates and locations:

  • Thursday, 15 October: Cambois Club, Selbourne Terrace, NE24 1QY
  • Wednesday, 16 October: East Bedlington Community Centre, Station Road, NE22 7JN
  • Tuesday, 22 October: Bedlington Community Centre, 60 West End Front Street, NE22 5TT
  • Wednesday, 23 October: Ashington Leisure Centre, Lintonville Terrace, NE63 9JY
  • Thursday, 24 October: Blyth Sports Centre, NE24 5BT

At these events, attendees will have the opportunity to view information about the draft proposals for the Cambois data centre campus and speak with members of the QTS project team. The company is committed to working together with the community throughout the development process and beyond.

QTS has chosen Cambois for its suitable size, shape, and terrain for a data centre campus, as well as its links with the area and readiness for development. The location also offers access to local workforce, technology, and innovation, along with crucial connectivity and power sources.

The proposal is currently at an early stage, with QTS intending to submit an application for outline planning permission to Northumberland County Council in late 2024.

Residents who are unable to attend the drop-in events can still participate by:

  1. Visiting the project website: https://www.qtsdatacenters.com/company/cambois-community
  2. Completing a feedback form available at each of the community drop-in venues
  3. Contacting the team via email at cambois@qtsdatacenters.com

The public comment period for the draft proposals will remain open until 31st October 2024.

QTS builds, owns, and operates some of the most advanced and resilient data centre facilities in the world, with more than 60 data centres in operation or under development across the United States and Northern Netherlands.

For more information about QTS and the proposed Cambois Data Centre Campus, please visit the project website or attend one of the upcoming community drop-in events.

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