Northumberland County Council Offering 15,000 Free Tree Saplings

Northumberland County Council Offering 15,000 Free Tree Saplings

Northumberland residents, schools, community groups, and businesses can now apply for free tree saplings from Northumberland County Council. The council is giving away 15,000 saplings in a variety of species suited to different garden sizes, including small spaces like balconies.

Each sapling comes with a biodegradable guard and cane, plus planting and care instructions emailed after collection. Collection points will be available across the county.

To apply, visit the council's website at Residents, schools, and community groups who previously received trees are encouraged to share photos and stories about how they're doing - interested parties can email to potentially be featured in an upcoming Northumberland County Council case study video.

The council has already published several case study videos showcasing past recipients, including:

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