Health & Wellness Focus Week - Mental Health

Health & Wellness Focus Week - Mental Health

Welcome to today’s blog dedicated to exploring groups and organisations that promote and support our mental health and wellbeing.  

Mental health has rightfully been taking centre stage in recent years as public awareness grows around issues like anxiety, depression, suicide prevention, PTSD and more. Yet there is still so much work to be done to break down stigma and adequately provide mental health services to millions in need.

Effective mental health and well-being groups and organisations offer their own staff and the communities they serve supportive sessions of self-care routines that can help.

Here are just some of the mental health groups and organisations in the area.


Northumberland Recovery College

A Recovery College is part of a national initiative which allows adults to access activities and learning experiences,  build mutual support, and enjoy a sense of purpose to help with their emotional or mental health. 

Northumberland Recovery College is co-ordinated by Everyturn Mental Health, and enables adults across Northumberland to access courses and workshops that promote well-being and good mental health. We work collaboratively with students and Northumberland based organisations to make sure we are meeting the needs of the local communities.  We don’t have a physical building but work with local facilitators to run sessions in community venues across the county.

To find out more of whats on offer visit our website at; Welcome to Northumberland Recovery College - Northumberland Recovery College


BE YOU Emotional Wellbeing Support

Emotional wellbeing support for parents and carers of children and young people in the trailblazer areas of Ashington, Bedlington, Hexham, Blyth or being home schooled.

Children and Young People have suffered massively due to the pandemic and restrictions which increases the pressure on parents - who are already going through a hard time at the moment, so please spread the word. This is time-limited, the funding is only available to run sessions this year, but hopefully, if the need is there those in charge will see that this sort of help is needed for longer than a year. 

Northumberland has been selected as one of 25 Trailblazer areas to develop programmes that improve young people’s mental health and the ‘Be You’ team was created by Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust and Northumberland County Council with the aim of offering emotional health and wellbeing support to children, young people and adults giving them access to information and services.  Cygnus Support is part of this bigger team providing mental and emotional support at the earliest signs of needing help.

If you have any questions or want to talk to Amanda please call on 07377265036 or email; if you want to read more here’s the link to the Cygnus Be You web page Welcome to Cygnus Support and the NHS Trailblazers Be You web site Homepage | NHS Trailblazers (

Wansbeck Community Links, in partnership with Cygnus offer a range of groups and classes.  For a full timetale click here


Talking Matters Northumberland

Talking Matters Northumberland offers free psychological treatment for people aged 16 and over who have a GP in Northumberland. We offer one to one talking therapy for depression, anxiety, stress and other mental health related problems. We also offer Couples Therapy for Depression.

0300 3030 700 /


The information provided in this article is intended for general informational and signposting purposes only. It does not constitute, and should not be used as a substitute for, professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Users of this article are advised to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for guidance regarding any medical or mental health condition.

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